This Pond Table is my salutation to some of the smaller wildlife, even the smaller beings, that we find in our backyards, engaging the viewer in narrative and detail.
Through the pale-green, hardened glass top you gaze at the pond floor below. Minnows and tadpoles play among clusters of reeds while frogs, a newt and a pond snail hang about. A large, central toad guards a lost ring...
On the pond ‘surface’ are 2 clusters of water lily leaves. On one group sits a frog; its leg dangles below the surface as it regards the dragonfly resting nearby.
Dimensions: H: 510mm (20in) L: 760mm (30in) W:560mm (22in)
Materials: Limewood; Willow (lily roots, dragonfly legs); toughened glass; stainless steel (base). Beeswax finish.
Price: £10,750